Are you having difficulty staying focused on you and what you need with the changes happening around you?

I get it. This can happen any time. And, this is an especially unique time.

The global situation and the changes it is bringing to our lives is fast-moving. And, at the same time, it is forcing us to slow down and be present to what is happening within and around us.

And, it can feel like a lot is happening right now.

You feel what’s happening for others and around you whether that be in your family, your community, or the world. 

You feel a bit lost, scattered, an underlying sense of worry and confusion, or find yourself finding ways of distracting yourself with food, information, focusing on others, or keeping busy.

Your physical and emotional energy feels drained and you are having difficulty managing yourself, certain parts of the day-to-day, or interactions with others.

Fortunately, there is another way.

  1. First, connect in with yourself.

Allow yourself to notice and feel what’s going on for you on a daily basis. Check in with what’s happening in your body. What are the feelings and thoughts you’re experiencing?

Recently, one of my clients noticed, for example that sadness and fear about the impact on her own family was triggered by the loss of another.

Naming the feelings, thoughts, and body sensations makes it much easier to work with them, rather than having them showing up as dis-ease in your mind or body or in conflicts with others.

2. Next, notice any familiar patterns and inquire more deeply.

Ask yourself, What am I experiencing here? What is this about for me? What am I meant to know about and receive from this? Ask for support from your Source.

This same client noticed that the fear brought up by loss was a familiar pattern for her and used her awareness to inquire deeper with curiosity and compassion.

Recognizing the patterns helps you to use your experiences as an opportunity to continue your own healing and growth.

3. Finally, bring new perspectives back into your life and practice using them.

Use the message you have received to consciously choose the perspective you want to bring to this situation and to similar situations.

You may want to write it down as an affirmation, mantra, or prayer to read aloud or repeat to yourself. Or another practical action that helps you to create the change.

Instead of being affected by the outside, this allows you to use what you’re noticing about what’s happening and how it impacts you to create change in your beliefs, feelings, thoughts and actions. This is the part you can control.

As a result of making these changes in yourself, you’ll experience more of what you desire and need on the outside. You feel more connected to your heart, more loving to yourself and others, more accepting of and able to work with change, and even welcome and create change by being willing to be in the process of continuous improvement.

I’ve seen this for myself and for the clients I support, too. And, I know this is possible for you, too!



P.S. If you or anyone you know needs support to stay on track despite the changes that are happening around you, please email me at or contact me on my website for a Complimentary Clarity Call. That way I can hear more about what’s happening for you and see if the work I do makes sense for you.